Directed Energy Systems


Welcome to Directed Energy Systems! We specialize in electronics repair, custom electronic solutions, and hardware/software integrations. We work extensively with commercial and entertainment laser systems. The objective of this website is to document and share our projects and relevant information, some of which may be useful to others.

Site Map
Page Contents
Home You are here!
Contact Administrator contact information
Documents Documentation for specialized equipment
Programs Computer programs, software, scripts
Electronics Electronic devices and projects
Lasers A dedicated page for all things laser
Automotive Automotive components and projects
Information Technology Computers, networking, cybersecurity

The content of this website is intended to be educational in nature. By accessing and using the information provided on this website, you agree to assume all risks associated with the implementation or usage of this information. The website owner, authors, and contributors cannot be held liable for any damages, injuries, or losses resulting from the use or misuse of the information presented herein. If you follow any of our guides, implement solutions derived from this website, attempt to replicate our experiments, or do pretty much anything else with the information provided on this website, you are doing so at your own risk!