Inside the Coherent FAP800 Laser Diode Module

The Coherent FAP800 is a series of fiber-coupled laser bars, which can achieve output power levels up to 70W depending on the model. They are available in common wavelengths such as 808nm, 810nm, 940nm, and 980nm and are often used as a pump source in OPSL and DPSS laser systems. This particular FAP800 diode module was removed from a Coherent Genesis CX-355 ultraviolet OPSL laser system. We would like to thank Patrick for providing these amazing images. This particular unit was damaged, and thus became an excellent subject for disassembly and examination.

inside FAP800 laser diode module

Since this is a laser diode bar module, laser light is generated by an array of emitters, instead of just one. The laser light is coupled into 19 individual fibers within the FAP800 module. These fibers exit through the front SMA 905 connector.

inside FAP800 laser diode module

In the image below, you can see the 19 individual fibers reaching the end of the connector. There are actually more than 19 fibers inside the module, but only 19 are used and actually make it to the output connector. A GRIN or other beam-shaping lens can be used to combine the output down to a usable point.

inside FAP800 laser diode module